Reigning Hope
45 Goals of Communism from the Jan 10, 1963 Congressional Record Many are accomplished.
Dr. James Lindsay author of Race and Marxism spoke in Vermont in May 2022. How Marxist practices have infiltrated American thinking.
Gordon Chang, expert on Chinese affairs speaks on the China threat to America - bioweapon threat, nuclear weapon build-up, increasing fentanyl - click here
LILY William Tang - speaks out from a Chinese perspective on encroaching concerns - click here
Who do you know who has lived under Communistic rule?
Romania - D. Waters |
Dr. Vicky Wooll shares here experience of operations in a Venezualan hospital when Chavez led the Coup. Note the time stamps. Click here - 3:12 Venezuela slideshow – A rich country that crumbled 3:19 Coup – Chavez bombed the airport – had to dodge bullets to get to the clinic, Pilfering everywhere. Lengthy food lines. Hospital administrators are the culprits. Trash pile up – rats - demoralization - I knew we had 20 years before it would come to the US.
Georgia Guidestones - built 40 years ago, depicting in 8 languages a number one of its 10 goals to be massive global depopulation. An internal explosion at 4 am July 6, 2022, left it destroyed.
Ed Wheeler's - Americanism and Marxism Symposium -
click here
click here
Part 1- Americanism relies on The Judeo-Christian world view on which the United States was founded. Marxism relies on an atheistic world view that relies on human conflict to accomplish socioeconomic progress
Part 2- Spiritual, intellectual and historical roots of Americanism and Marxism
Part 3 Marxism invasion A: successful offense! B: failed defense!
Part 4 Covid Lies, Bio-warfare, Climate Alarmism, Election Fraud, Jan. 6 - False Flag
Part 5 - School Boards, alternative schools, Support Constitutional Candidates, Oppose Prop 5/Article 22, Oppose CRT/LGBT teaching in schools
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