Reigning Hope
Rebecca Greenwood
WWII Prayer report on Rees Howells
in Swansea, Wales
NOW IS THE TIME, Rebecca Greenwood, Glory Warfare
I highly recommend this book. This comes from Pg. 114-116. How WWII was won.
You see, the systems and structures of mankind are temporal and fading, but His is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. We are not assigned to bring earth to heaven, but to bring heaven to earth – the eternal Kingdom filled with glory. It is a now time to bring the glory of the eternal Kingdom to the sphere that is our Kingdom inheritance. Some might be feeling that the world systems are too corrupt, too far gone for any level of breakthrough to be realized or for creation to respond to intercessory assignments. But I am here to tell you that corrupt systems and the earth can and will respond. How do I know? Because His written word declares it will be so. Rees Howells was mentioned previously in Chapter One, but allow me to share further testimony here.
Rees Howells led a dynamic group of 120-150 prayer warrirors during WWII. They literally shaped history: they contended against one of the most horrific anti-Christ structures in the history of mankind – the Nazi regime. They faithfully carried their prayer assignment until the destruction of that system was realized. Even when the Nazis targeted Swansea, the city in Wales that was home to the Bible college and the prayer chapel founded and used by Rees and his intercessors, the bombs never touched the land or property of the school. They prayed on call no matter what time of day the Lord invited them as the prayer warriors and prophetic watchmen to sound their appeal. During this time, the Lord spoke very specifically of what was to unfold in the nations of the world concerning Hitler and the Nazi regime. This revelation came from deep intercessions in the heights of the glory in the throne room and presence of Jesus. Rees and his faithful prayer warriors ascended higher to go deeper. Positioning and posturing themselves to be vessels through whom the glory realm full of prophetic revelation, prophetic decrees, binding principalities and standing on the wall until that breakthrough came. Five year of abandoned, nonstop intercessions. The intercession was not self-focused, nor was it solely focused on loving Jesus more. Hear me – this is absolutely good and right. However, the caution then becomes crossing over into a “bless me” me mentality. To be honest, if this pattern lingers too long it halts all revival and transformation or any large-scale Kingdom transformation movement. The love and ignition in the revival empowers us to be effective in our warfare assignments. Nor was the intercession a on-time ascensions into the throne room. It was fiery intercession contending against and pushing back an anti-Christ structure attempting to rule and reign in the earth realm. And fried, they triumphed. The victory the Lord assured them came to pass.
As of the writing of this book, I have had the privilege of being in Wales and praying in the chapel at the Bible college where Rees and these warriors shaped history. Both times I have visited have been at the clear direction of the Lord to intercede in the glory realm anointing that was created on this land from years of being immersed in throne room intercessions. One gentleman who was a part of the intercession is still living; he prayed with Rees’ son and successor, Samuel. He passionately told Greg and I,” Rees and Samuel would adamantly say that there are three intercessors – Jesus, who makes intercession in His throne room; the Holy Spirit, who speaks and prays the prayer burden through each of us; and the intercessor and prayer warrior.”
I greatly appreciate the wisdom of a dear friend in the persecuted church in Russia who one time explained, “There are two types of believers – those who only want the blessing of the Lord and seek only what they can get or those who receive the blessing of the Lord and take it out to transform society.’ Intercession at its core, including warfare prayer, is about giving of yourself on behalf of others, situations, cities, nations. It is not about what I can get; it is about what I can give. Intercession is a life of laying down for others. I must partner with the plans of the Lord to see schemes of the enemy defeated, a harvest come forth and supernatural transformation realized. Intercession is a place of carrying the Lord’s heart and passion for this lost world. It is a privileged place to hear His voice and to know Him. It is often a hidden place. Many may never know the lesson spent before Him in that glory realm nor all the covert stealth assignments carried out on the land. But His glory will go before and behind you, the reports of tangible breakthrough will be seen and known. No wonder the enemy is so busy trying to shut away the voices of the Church and to keep such wicked sin and violence in the nations. Where are these who will say it is more valuable to go beyond the personal benefits of Christian faith and who resolve to go al the way, 100 percent sold out, releasing the glory He has placed in us to see the world turned upside down for His kingdom?
It is my prayer that you hear what I am about to say. Strategic intercession to transform people, lands, and culture will not occur in one prayer meeting, one large gathering, or one three-day conference, although these gatherings are absolutely vital. Prophetically, I agree we are in a season of acceleration. There is power and authority in corporate gatherings. I travel our nation and the world speaking, prophesying, and interceding at such events and will most assuredly continue to do so. These corporate moments are absolutely necessity and serve as the converging point, a demarcation of synergy in His glory. They provide a venue to understands the season we are in, hearing the Lord in how to advance, receiving the tools and strategies to advance, and corporately decreeing His Word. It is then necessary for each of us to take those deposits back to our respective homes, cities, regions, and nations to implement that which was imparted. The leaders too, the platform are not just called to be glory carriers, we are called to carry His glory. It is time we learn how to take our gates of influence, our metron, to see people, cities, and regions freed.
I highly recommend this book. This comes from Pg. 114-116. How WWII was won.
You see, the systems and structures of mankind are temporal and fading, but His is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. We are not assigned to bring earth to heaven, but to bring heaven to earth – the eternal Kingdom filled with glory. It is a now time to bring the glory of the eternal Kingdom to the sphere that is our Kingdom inheritance. Some might be feeling that the world systems are too corrupt, too far gone for any level of breakthrough to be realized or for creation to respond to intercessory assignments. But I am here to tell you that corrupt systems and the earth can and will respond. How do I know? Because His written word declares it will be so. Rees Howells was mentioned previously in Chapter One, but allow me to share further testimony here.
Rees Howells led a dynamic group of 120-150 prayer warrirors during WWII. They literally shaped history: they contended against one of the most horrific anti-Christ structures in the history of mankind – the Nazi regime. They faithfully carried their prayer assignment until the destruction of that system was realized. Even when the Nazis targeted Swansea, the city in Wales that was home to the Bible college and the prayer chapel founded and used by Rees and his intercessors, the bombs never touched the land or property of the school. They prayed on call no matter what time of day the Lord invited them as the prayer warriors and prophetic watchmen to sound their appeal. During this time, the Lord spoke very specifically of what was to unfold in the nations of the world concerning Hitler and the Nazi regime. This revelation came from deep intercessions in the heights of the glory in the throne room and presence of Jesus. Rees and his faithful prayer warriors ascended higher to go deeper. Positioning and posturing themselves to be vessels through whom the glory realm full of prophetic revelation, prophetic decrees, binding principalities and standing on the wall until that breakthrough came. Five year of abandoned, nonstop intercessions. The intercession was not self-focused, nor was it solely focused on loving Jesus more. Hear me – this is absolutely good and right. However, the caution then becomes crossing over into a “bless me” me mentality. To be honest, if this pattern lingers too long it halts all revival and transformation or any large-scale Kingdom transformation movement. The love and ignition in the revival empowers us to be effective in our warfare assignments. Nor was the intercession a on-time ascensions into the throne room. It was fiery intercession contending against and pushing back an anti-Christ structure attempting to rule and reign in the earth realm. And fried, they triumphed. The victory the Lord assured them came to pass.
As of the writing of this book, I have had the privilege of being in Wales and praying in the chapel at the Bible college where Rees and these warriors shaped history. Both times I have visited have been at the clear direction of the Lord to intercede in the glory realm anointing that was created on this land from years of being immersed in throne room intercessions. One gentleman who was a part of the intercession is still living; he prayed with Rees’ son and successor, Samuel. He passionately told Greg and I,” Rees and Samuel would adamantly say that there are three intercessors – Jesus, who makes intercession in His throne room; the Holy Spirit, who speaks and prays the prayer burden through each of us; and the intercessor and prayer warrior.”
I greatly appreciate the wisdom of a dear friend in the persecuted church in Russia who one time explained, “There are two types of believers – those who only want the blessing of the Lord and seek only what they can get or those who receive the blessing of the Lord and take it out to transform society.’ Intercession at its core, including warfare prayer, is about giving of yourself on behalf of others, situations, cities, nations. It is not about what I can get; it is about what I can give. Intercession is a life of laying down for others. I must partner with the plans of the Lord to see schemes of the enemy defeated, a harvest come forth and supernatural transformation realized. Intercession is a place of carrying the Lord’s heart and passion for this lost world. It is a privileged place to hear His voice and to know Him. It is often a hidden place. Many may never know the lesson spent before Him in that glory realm nor all the covert stealth assignments carried out on the land. But His glory will go before and behind you, the reports of tangible breakthrough will be seen and known. No wonder the enemy is so busy trying to shut away the voices of the Church and to keep such wicked sin and violence in the nations. Where are these who will say it is more valuable to go beyond the personal benefits of Christian faith and who resolve to go al the way, 100 percent sold out, releasing the glory He has placed in us to see the world turned upside down for His kingdom?
It is my prayer that you hear what I am about to say. Strategic intercession to transform people, lands, and culture will not occur in one prayer meeting, one large gathering, or one three-day conference, although these gatherings are absolutely vital. Prophetically, I agree we are in a season of acceleration. There is power and authority in corporate gatherings. I travel our nation and the world speaking, prophesying, and interceding at such events and will most assuredly continue to do so. These corporate moments are absolutely necessity and serve as the converging point, a demarcation of synergy in His glory. They provide a venue to understands the season we are in, hearing the Lord in how to advance, receiving the tools and strategies to advance, and corporately decreeing His Word. It is then necessary for each of us to take those deposits back to our respective homes, cities, regions, and nations to implement that which was imparted. The leaders too, the platform are not just called to be glory carriers, we are called to carry His glory. It is time we learn how to take our gates of influence, our metron, to see people, cities, and regions freed.
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